21 March 2020

Fab City

Open and decentralized international network, FAB CITY aims to develop locally productive and globally connected cities. This project promotes a new model of urban transformation that profoundly changes the supply and use of resources by moving from a Products In, Trash Out (PITO) system to a Data In, Data Out (DIDO) system.

With FAB CITY, production returns to the city, encouraging the re-use of materials and responses adapted to the needs of citizens. More than materials and products, data (information, know-how, design, code) appear as the main material that passes between Fab Cities.

Initiated in 2011 by the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, the MIT Center for Bits and Atoms and the Fab Foundation, the FAB CITY initiative has opened up to other cities, regions and communities with the aim of co-constructing a humane and habitable world. By 2017, 18 cities have joined, including Amsterdam, Boston, Detroit, Paris and Shenzhen.


New Model of Urban Transformation


Bits Center, MIT Atoms, Fab Foundation...


Ongoing & over several years
With FAB CITY, production returns to the city, encouraging the re-use of materials and responses adapted to the needs of citizens. Vincent Guimas